Radiatori 2000 at MCE 2018

Presents the diversity of the Group
200 square meters of space dedicated to home heating, nothing will be left to chance and everything has been meticulously designed to vehiculate the diversity of a Group able to offer the widest range of radiant solutions on the market.

Three thematic areas: water radiators, electric radiators and innovation & design.

At the center of the stage an hospitality area dedicated to meeting and hosting the visitors. The route will guide guests through different solutions linked to the same core values: sustainability, efficiency, energy saving and design.

The external structure of the stand, made with expanded aluminium inserts, recalls the raw material at the base of the circular production cycle of the FECS Industrial Group. Light will be the other element of strength of the structure recalling the concepts of heat, life, family and sharing.

These two matched elements will create visual games able of giving movement and lightness to the entire structure, demonstrating how combining innovation and technology with design can transform even the most static objects.

The area dedicated to the water world, contextualized in the blue colour, will propose solutions dedicated to high efficiency and low energy impact in addition to the quality of the Made in Italy while the contrasting and specular area dedicated to the electric world, immersed in the green, will tell the story of innovation deriving from the use of the revolutionary «Liquid Stone» technology.

What are you waiting for, immerse yourself in our warm world, we are waiting for you.

Hall 3 stand G41 H50
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© 2017 Radiatori 2000 SpA | P.iva 03554100176 | Rea BG-345232 | Cap. sociale int. ver. 4.020.000 €
Gdpr | Whistleblowing| Credits